Marathon Mom

Marathon Mom

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Some pic's...

Three Muskateers

Sisters :)

Maddoc trying to keep up with my crew

Jack's buddies... Hayden, Blake and Tye

Chris and his white trash golf tournament

Cuties :) Sometimes they're sweet

Bowling on Chris's bday

Happy 35th Chris!

Jack playing dress up...

Olivia and her buddies... 

Just pal'in around on mom and dads bed...

School starts this week!!!

I am extra excited about school starting this year... for obvious reasons.  Livi starts second grade this year, she got the teacher we've never heard of - but is in class with two of her buddies, so we're excited about that.  Jack is starting preschool again - and Ellee is going to preschool one day/week as well... do you knwo what that means?  I will have THREE hours to myself every week!  Not to mention 8 additional hours with just Ellee to run errands.  She's a piece of cake to run errands with compared to taking all three of them to the store with me like I've done all summer.  Truly theres not a whole lot I HAVE to do.  I dont have to browse around the bookstore, I dont have to go get coffee, I dont have to go shopping or go get a bagel... but I can't wait!
The balance of mommy time is perfect when school starts.  I get to still do all my mom duties... making meals, snuggles at bedtime, hearing about their fun days they've had... but we all get a little space away from each other... Jack and Olivia get along so much better with a little space - and I feel so refreshed when I can get everything done  in peace.
Now for the end of summer... we've had a fabulous summer.  It started off with a bang.  June was awesome.  We've done swimming lessons all summer.  I taught baby swim for Ellee and Jack and Olivia took lessons afterward and everyone made lots and lots of progress.  Olivia wouldn't even put her face in at the beginning of summer... now she can jump off the diving board and swim across the pool.  Jack can float on his back for 8 seconds and while he expends a lot of energy "swimming" he still can't get anywhere yet - but he's made tons of progress.  Ellee has no problem going under water.  She was the model student in my baby swim class... always with a huge grin on her face and exclaiming loudly "Again, Again!"   We also swam in our neighborhood pool a LOT in June.  Not sure what else we did besides swimming.... went to the zoo, had playdates, went to the lake... but mostly we swam.  July was exciting in the beginning... 4th of July party, Ellee and Jack's birthdays, then Chris's bday... but then the massive heat wave hit.  I mean... it was over 100 degrees for like 2-3 weeks.  It felt like we were snowed in.  We did a lot of indoor playdates... and it got old... fast!  I started wishing for school.  August has been great... great weather... we are getting dozens and dozens of tomatoes from our garden - (Chris's garden) but the kids love to go help him water his tomatoes... We've had Lotawana Day, where we broke the world noodle record,,, the Kenney Chesney concert, wine tasting (for us only!)  Olivia's had book club, girl scout camp, handwriting camp, drama  camp, gymnastics class, family reunion on Chris's side, all sprinkled together with plenty of golf for Chris (once for me) birthday parties, fireworks and lots of popcicles... it has been a great summer... but all good things must end - and I'm ready!

Here we come school :)  I'm so excited to go browse around a bookstore with a iced latte :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tribute to Kaya

You have been the best dog I could ever ask for.  You taught me about protection... by the way you guarded the kids.  You taught me about love - by your unconditional love you demonstrated for all of us every day.  You taught me about compassion... by the time I had a miscarriage and you jumped up on the bed and lay by me as I cried.  You taught me about forgiveness... if we left you home alone all day - you would still run to the door to green us with your tail wagging.  You taught me about passion... by the way you would stare intently at that frisbee until someone picked it up and threw it for you... and about focus... by the way you couldn't think about anything else if the frisbee, ball or stick was around.  You were my first baby.  I used to feel guilty that I had to leave you in the car when I would run into the grocery or post office... but I would bring you into the school where I used to work in Breckenridge on the weekends.  I couldn't bear the thought of you laying at home alone.  We used to go on some massive snow walks.  You would get snow caked into your paws and then lay down and chew it out... then get up and gallop through the snow again.  You and I logged many miles together my friend... you helped me walk off baby weight three different times... and let those kids hug you, and pull on your tail without ever a snarl or a snap.  You understood.  And you were so so very smart.  And so loyal.  
We used to let you out to go potty and if we forgot about you for 10 minutes.. there you were waiting patiently in the window.  Kaya.  I love you so much.  Thank you for teaching me so many life lessons.. I  miss you... I miss you every night when I dont have to step over anyone in my bedroom... and every time I clean up crumbs from under the kids chairs.  I miss you sweet face laying on the steps when I go upstairs early in the morning... and I miss your bark when someone arrives at the door.  
I will always love you.  

Happy Birthday Ellee!

Well, the one thing about having two kids birthdays in the same week is that  you get to do a double party! Or triple party as it was this year, because we included Huck - the kids cousin.  It was a hit!  

Happy Birthday sweet girl!  Its hard to believe you are already two years old!  You amaze me every day with how much you understand of this world - and you are doing and saying new things every single day.  You love to sing.  You sing in the car (Favorite song is "Tonight's gonna be a good night" by Black Eyed Peas.)  You were just singing the "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" theme song a minute ago.  You will often be listening to what I say to Jack or Olivia and go do it for them... for instance I'll say something about shoes and you will go to the boot bench and get everyones shoes for them.  You are talking sooo well.  Its almost amazing to me because you're my baby!  And you can talk! In full on sentences!  You love Jack and Olivia so much.  You would do anything for them.. or with them.   It's been a fun summer of spending lots of time together... going to the pool.  Once we got you the right bathing suit you love it... but the one piece suits weren't cutting it.  You couldn't get to your belly button... which you like to rub constantly.  While you suck on your bubba.    You love reading books, you love watching "Kippa a dawg!"  (Kipper the dog) with Jack.  You still have just the sweetest fine strands of hair curling up in the back... And your round baby belly.  You love running around "nakey!" and love going "fwimming" (swimming) and you love your "nilk" aka Milk.  :)  I absolutly adore you Ellee.  I love everything about you.  I love getting starbucks with you "scone! scone!" while everyone smiles at how cute you are.  Sometimes you carry Rosie the train with you, and sometimes a purse.  You are very easy to have around b/c you are so easy going.  Especially for a toddler... you dont throw many tantrums and you are just finding your way in this world one day at a time.  I love being your mommy.  I feel so blessed to have you in my life.  I've been savoring your squishy baby body and your baby smell because I know it won't be long until you dont really seem like a baby anymore.  I love you so much, you are so full of love and life and sweetness.  xoxo  Mommy

Happy Birthday Jack!

Well, I'm writing the birthday letter here on my blog again - b/c this way it gets done, and it won't get lost!  

Jack Palmer! 
I can't believe you are four years old!  You have been waiting for this day for months... as if something magical or special will change about you when you turn "fouw".  Then the other day you started telling me you were "almost five."  We had your birthday party up at the pool.  You were so excited to open presents... it was all about the un-wrapping.  You sort of cared what was inside, but I think we could've wrapped up anything and you would've loved it.  Your buddies there were Hayden, Tye, Jake and Blake.  Phillip your other buddy couldn't make it.  But you were just a ball of energy and enthusiam... as you are every day.  Jack, I love you so much... you have so much joy contained inside you that sometimes it just comes bursing out VERY LOUDLY in your voice.  Ok, thats every day...  And you have a heart of gold.  If you do something wrong to one of your sisters your very quick to say "I'm sowwy Owivia".  You are very very easy going and laid back... but with a lot of enthusiam at the same time.  I dont want to under-estimate here your expressions and how animated you are because EVERYONE comments on it.  You make so many people laugh, and so many people smile because you are just so darn cute.  Your passion for trains is high on the list.  You are a collector and an engineer with those tracks.  You told me that you want to be a conductor when you grow up.  I hope I get a ride on your first train if you do.  :)  I keep thinking the Thomas obsession will wane, but so far it's going strong.  You know the names of all the trains and when yo get a new train, you insist on sleeping with it.    You have become a great swimmer this summer, and love jumping off the diving board.  You are just so much fun to be around Jack.  I just can't wait to see your little personality continue to re-fine itself and so lucky to be the mommy that gets to help shape you into the sweet boy your already are... and into the boy you will become.  I love you, Mom

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bad Nanners

I was washing sheets.  Jack came in the laundry room and asked me what I was doing.  I said... "Oh, I'm just washing some sheets.  Sissy had an accident in her bed while she was sleeping."  "Oh"  he said "Thats BAD NANNERS."
Again the following week we were out at Lake Lotawana Papa Jeff was telling Jack how he accidentally hit the stone bench with his lawn mower and it broke in two.   Jack told him that was "Bad Nanners" too.

So... I just want to make sure none of you have bad nanners today... if you need help just call Jack Palmer.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The old hag from Jason's Deli story...

So I was at Jason's Deli last week with two friends and six kids.  (Jack and Ellee and some friends.)  This is what happened...   We ate our lunch and had ice cream cones.   Everyone is behaving just fine.  Jack didnt' like the way I cut up his hot dog but other than that, everyone is happy.  We are eating our ice cream cones and wrapping things up.... I'm relaxing a little and talking to Kelley Jo and Clare.  Jack and his two friends were in the booth and Ellee was sitting by me.   She gets down and takes her ice cream cone over to sit by her brother.  They are laughing and making a few loud noises but basically just being happy kids.  She runs over to me, I wipe her face off, she runs back over to her brother.

This is when the horrible mean hag sitting behind us says "Who's child is that?"  I look over at her.  "You need to CONTROL your child!"
"Are you serious?" I ask
"YES! We're trying to eat lunch!!!  They're being rude! You need to control her."
"The baby?  Are you talking about this baby here?" I say pointing to my 21 month old child.
"Yes!  You need to stick a pacifier in her mouth or something. We're trying to eat lunch."    by the way, all of this is said in the utmost sneer of a voice.
I turn around and am fuming, trying to figure out what to do when she continues on...
"I PITY the kindergarten teacher who has that child in school... and I used to be a teacher!"
"So did I!" I say
"And this is the kind of child you're raising?"
"YES!"  In hindsight I would've said... "Yes a JOYFUL one."
"I raised four boys and they NEVER acted like this."
(Oh really?? I say in my head.)
"In Blue Springs kids don't act like this."
"Whatever." I say
Then Kelley Jo chimes in and says "Why don't you just go on back to Blue Springs b/c here in Lees Summit we're all nice and we LIKE kids."

I turn around and say "I have NEVER had anyone say anything to me about my childrens behavior before today..."
"Why don't you go to McDonalds!" she says

Then I go pick up Ellee and take her to the bathroom, change her diaper. I am fuming...  no... I am FUMING mad!!!!! I dont know what to do... so I finally go over to the manager and basically start crying and told him how this woman is basically verbally assaulting me.  He reassured me that he hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary from us and that this was a kid friendly restaraunt and he was very sorry.    Then 5 minutes later we were leaving and he comes over to give me 5 free lunch passes for the kids and says he hopes we will return and re-instates again that they are a pro-kid restaraunt.  Mean lady comes over while he's talking to me to say "I just want to tell you that she wasn't controlling her child.  I am very disappointed in this restaraunt. It came highly recommended.  I had no idea this was this kind of establishment. "  He basically told her that it was that kind of establishment.  One that is ok with normal kids. so HA!  I left and spent the next 4 hours trying to get over it.  What a sad sad life this woman has b/c although she only ruined a few hours of my life, she's probably ruined most of her own.

I was scarred for the rest of the day but I think I'm over it now.

The latest funnies...

Ok so I'm walking the girls home from school last week (Olivia and Libby whom we walk/carpool with) and Ellee who is in the stroller.  Jack has escaped the stroller and is running ahead of the girls.  We come round the corner and what do I see?  Oh, it's just my 3 1/2 year old son standing with his pants around his knees PEEING into our neighbors yard!  I mean... it couldn't have taken him more than 2 1/2 seconds to make that decision b/c we were literally 25 feet behind him!  I was a little embarrassed but truly... what can you do?  So I just helped him pull his pants up and asked him to tell me next time he had to go potty so we could find some shelter and avoid the neighborhood knowing what Jack's bootie looks like.

Ellee went poop on the potty the other day.  Yay!  She loves to practice and sit there naked, but this time something actually came out!  She was startled and then a little freaked out when I whooped and clapped for her.  So we went in to tell Sissy and Jack.  Both of them (in different areas of the house) said "Gimmie 5 Elle!"  and slapped her five.  I thought it was sweet how supportive and excited they both got for her.  She hasn't gone since... I think I scared her.  But seriously!  We have sat there for many minutes so I just got a little excited when something happened!

Cute Olivia story:
We were talking about how Clare is going to have a baby soon and I was wondering out loud if it would be a boy or a girl.  Olivia thinks girl.  Jack thinks boy.  Then Olivia says "Wait mom, did they have that interview thing yet?"  (she means an ultrasound)  "because if they saw a WeeWee then it's a boy!"
She just may be a doctor.  ;)

Then the other day over at Myah and Tye's house we were playing outside with their pet baby ducks.  (Which was really cute.)  Ellee was playing around when she caught sight of Alpine (the Cooley's big fluffy white dog.)  "Momma  Momma...."  she says running over to me with her arms outstretched.  "Beaw"  (bear)    I picked her up and said... "No sweetie, that's not a bear, thats a big dog."  "No, Beaw" Ellee says.  "Sssawed" (scared)  she says crossing her arms like she's shivering in fear.  It was extremely cute.

Today at Paradise Park Jack helped Ellee climb up all the way to the top of these steps that lead to a giant tornado slide.  He had to help her put her foot in the net and then push her bootie up every time there was a landing that was too high for her.  It was so sweet b/c he was saying "Come this way Elle!" and they were both laughing and just having so much fun together.  I remember Olivia teaching Jack to climb up the same thing when she was 5 and he was 2.  Ellee does things sooner than the others did... she's just trying so hard to keep up!   Then when it was time to go I said  "Ok Elle get your shoes on and lets go"  She ran over, grabbed her crocks, sat down and put them on and ran over to me.  This other mom was like "How old is she?"  b/c she was impressed she followed directions so well...  Plus also maybe a little because she looks like a giant baby running around since she still has no hair!     but HA! Wish that old mean hag from Jason's Deli could have seen Ellee then!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Kids and SLEEP!

This is a hot topic among parents... why?  Oh, because if your kids don't sleep well then neither do you - but that's not all... oh no... if they don't sleep well (and they don't nap anymore) then you don't even have a CHANCE of having a normal, happy, relaxing day.  This is why some parents become sleep nazi's when they have young children.  I am guilty of being a little nazi-ish.

Ok so here's the scoop.  Olivia doesn't do well on little sleep.  We know this, we have experienced it time and time again.  Neither do Jack and Ellee for the record, but this week it has been about my Olivia.  My sweet seven year old.  She stayed up until 10:00 thursday night because she was reading in her room (I didn't know this until ten o'clock when I went to check on her.)  Then Friday night we had some friends of hers over who are older and do much better staying up I'm sure... but anyway she was up til 11. 
By the way... kids don't "SLEEP IN" at this age.  Not sure when that starts to happen but I'm going to put my money on it being high school...  If she goes to bed at 11 she still wakes up at seven!
Anyway, so by Saturday she is a mess.  A whiney, bossy, stubborn mess of a child that you have to walk around on egg shells to avoid upsetting her.  It is now Sunday night and I can finally say with hope that we are back to normal.   Two full days to pay for staying up those two nights late in a row.

Jack is finally sleeping in his own bed.  We sprayed the monster spray and scared all the monsters out of his bedroom, so it's safe.  He still comes down in the middle of the night crying sometimes, saying his knee hurts or his leg hurts.  This concerned us at first, but now I think it's just his thing he says when he wakes up at night.  So we get him an ice pack and go lay with him for a minute until he falls back asleep.  But overall he sleeps pretty well.   He doesn't nap anymore so it's usually pretty easy to get him down at night.  He usually sleeps from 8pm-7am.  On Olivia's gymnastics night he almost always falls asleep watching cartoons while she is gone.  Usually around 6:30.  We move him up to his bed and he stays asleep usually til morning.  Sometimes comes down around ten and needs his "milk with three ice cubes in his Elmo cup."

Ellee takes one big fat nap during the day.   She also goes to bed around 8 or 8:30 when the big kids do. She loves to climb into Jack's bunk bed with him.  Half the time I let her lay there for 5 minutes and pretend she's going to sleep there.  They snuggle and giggle and then 5 minutes later Jack is yelling to me  "Mom! Elle is bothewing me"  So I have to tear her little body from the bed while she cries "NO!"  She loves Jack.  She would also sleep in Olivia's room.  That girl loves her big brother and sister.

Ellee unfortunately has learned how to scream "MOM!" from her crib.  How come I'm not Mommy?  That's what I'd like to know!  Or even Momma.  Does she really have to skip right to Mom?   Anyway, for some reason she if she wakes up in the middle of the night screaming for me I have to go running upstairs (from zero to sixty... or at least zero to twenty mph) so she doesn't wake the others up.   The downside to having your bedroom on the first floor.

Sleep is a good good thing.  You take it for granted when you're getting it, but then if you have a bad night you remember how precious it is.  It's like gold.

Signing off to go get some sleep myself!  xo Marathon Momma

Dinner time...

As I was hauling in the grocery's today I was thinking about how many dinners (breakfast's, lunches and snacks) I have already made myself, my husband and our kids in this lifetime... and realized that I wasn't even close to being halfway done.  Cooking is just part of my everyday life.  I have found a few things that help me organize throughout the years though...
1.)  I plan out my weeks worth of dinners on Sunday and make a grocery list.  Then on Monday I actually go and buy everything on my list so I have everything I need to make my ideas for the week.
2.)  I am trying to make the kids meals similar to what we eat so I'm not making two completely different meals every night.  But sometimes I still do.
3.)  I am trying to enjoy cooking!

Trying is the key word b/c it's not really one of my favorites.  But I find that if I am organized and have what I need... and have an idea of what to make it's really not so bad!  I can enlist the help of Olivia and Ellee who like to "help" if you can call it that.

I just signed up with door to door organic's to receive fruits and veggies every wednesday.  I'm so excited about it!  It sounds so great!  My only issue with it is that it's not Monday... so I still had to buy some produce to get us through the first half of the week.  Hopefully it'll be a hit... I'll keep you posted.

xo Marathon Momma

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Look in a book!

I'm a big book reader... here are books that have helped me with parenting, plus some more for fun...

Your pregnancy week by week- for pregnancy... love this book b/c it compares baby's size to fruit.

Happiest Baby on the Block - good for the first 3-4 months

Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child- good for months 4-school age - helps kids sleep so you can sleep too! 
disclaimer: don't get toooo wrapped up in schedule or it'll drive you crazy!

Siblings without Rivalry- (thanks Jamie) love this one for kids to argue and bicker... 

Love and Logic- for discipline tips and ideas 

The Power- not a parenting book, but I love it :)

best novel I've read lately... - Water for Elephants.  I couldn't put this one down!

My kid's favorite books at the current time...  (this is just for fun!)
Ellee- Flush the Potty book, Elmo loves you,  Charlie Chick and basically anything else I will read her.

Jack- hmmm, doesn't really sit too still for books, but he does like Lightning McQueen books or Thomas Books.  Also likes the "Froggy" books.

Olivia- loves Junie B Jones books, The Rainbow Fairy books, Magic Tree House books and almost any other book intended for young girls.  The girl has sunk her teeth into books lately.  (YES she got that from me!)  I am happy to pass along that love of reading - its' such a gift.  

This is a test....

I am reading a book called "The Power"  it's awesome!! It's kind of like "the secret" actually written by the same people.  It's based on the same principal of the law of attraction, but its the secret behind the law of attraction which is LOVE.  I am just blown away by how true this book is for my life.  If you approach your day from a place of love, everything miraculously seems to go your way!  It basically just encourages me to have a happy outlook on my day.  Something I read last night truly gave me strength and a whole new way of approaching parenting today.
Ok, so last night I am reading a chapter about how what if you were to think of every person you come into contact with as your own PET (personal emotional trainer).  Every person's job is to teach you to choose love.  Some people make it really easy... cutie pie baby who lifts her arms up and says "mama".  Very easy to choose to be loving to her.  More difficult... daughter who cried and was defiant about four different things in an hour tonight... or son who cried LOUDLY in target this afternoon because I wouldn't buy him a new train.
Because of the chapter on them being my own little PET's last night I approached this challenge in a new way.  Instead of getting really frustrated and mad at them for not being agreeable or "easy" in my head I'm like "Ahah!  They are TESTING ME!"  They are making me STRONGER!   "I can win this" I say to myself and I am just outrageously patient and kind.  And guess what... it worked!! I won!!!

"Happiness depends upon ourselves"  Aristotle

When I rise above the chaos I feel so proud of myself!!  And so in control.  :) It's gonna be my new thing...  hahahaha you can't frustrate me!
marathon momma

Monday, April 4, 2011

Window into my kid's minds...

Today Jack said to me "You have a big bootie Mom! Just like Daddy.  You could turn around and bump booties together."  So this is what kids think about.  That Jack, he was looking for a laugh, he's a little comedian.  I of course thought it was hilarious.
Olivia tonight was playing with her new bicycle Barbie and turned to me and said "Mom, how come they make Barbie's so much prettier than regular people?"  All I could do was laugh and say "I don't know honey! That's a good question!"  

And Ellee has recently learned how to whisper in your ear which if that doesn't make you laugh until tears come to your eyes, there's something wrong with you.  Because she doesn't say anything, just whispers  really loudly "babuaduehadhiodht" and then looks proudly at you like "get it?"  Also, she is a SHOE girl.  She spends a good portion of every day sitting on the floor in the mud room trying on different shoes.  Jack and Olivia's shoes are her favorites b/c they stay on her feet better than Chris's or mine.

Just a quick entry today for some laughs.  :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Olivia's Birthday Letter

Every year I have tried to write a birthday letter to each of my children.  I've missed one here or there and sometimes they don't get written for months but today I thought I might just write it here on the blog and then later can handwrite it.

Olivia Love...
(or Olivia Claire or Olivia Amy) whichever you prefer because apparently you are currently embarrassed by your middle name.  Thats ok because I know you'll love it someday when you become a little bit hippie like me.  You have had an awesome year.  You are doing so well in first grade.  You are reading really really well.  Like, chapter books in your bedroom after I say goodnight.  You are like the perfect angel at school, always doing your best and following directions. I was so proud of you when you got chosen by your music teacher to be one of the eight children to sing "zip-a-dee-do-da" with your little mickey mouse ears on the stage at LSWest in front of an auditorium full of people.  You have played soccer this past fall with your team "The Froggies" including Holly, Taylor and Libby.  Your best buddies.  (You and Libby are all about calling each other BFF's.)  You are currently in gymnastics class, and just figured out how to do a back walkover all by yourself.  You lost both your front teeth this year and were toothless for awhile, now one of your grown up teeth is growing in.  You are an amazing big sister to Jack and Ellee (when you want to be).  Jack was scared to sleep alone most of this year and you let him spend almost every night in your trundle bed until just recently when you helped me spray monster spray and get rid of the monsters in his room.  Jack loves his "Owivia".    And you are always great with Ellee.  You have taught her to say so many things and love to pick her up.  She loves her "sissy".    You are currently "into" riding your scooter, playing with American Girl Dolls, and actually you are liking your Barbie dolls again, drawing, reading, doing crafts, playing with your friends (very social) gymnastics and swimming.
Last summer you were still scared to put your face in the water at the pool... although you LOVE to swim and can actually swim without putting your face in!  But just recently you overcame your fears and did it!  You also mastered snow skiing this spring in Beaver Creek.  You were so excited!  Going up the magic carpet, and even the pomme lift.  Daddy and I are so proud of you Olivia.
We will never forget today though.  You got to have a horse birthday party.  It was awesome, everyone got to ride on Emmy's horses and we did crafts, water balloons and pin the tail on the horsey.  Then we had pizza with the family at next door pizza.  I can't believe I've been a mom now for 7 whole years!! Wow.  This is just as much a birthday for you, as it is an anniversary for me!  Because by the time you read this I'll be able to share with you that I dont know it all~  I've learned a lot about how to be a mom from you!  And if I do say so myself, I think we're doing a pretty good job, because you are a  kind hearted, big spirited, happy, energetic, lovely little girl.  And I love who you are and who you are growing into.  Love you, Mommy

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Life is like a boomerang...

It's the middle of the night right now... I can't seem to fall asleep for some reason so here I am.  Life has been anything but calm lately.  We have had so many snow days I can't hardly even count them and two rounds of stomach bug sweep through the family, then family in town and tomorrow... a huge super bowl party.  Too much chaos and I keep focusing on that and guess what... its not letting up!!!  It just keeps piling on itself.  The kids seem to be unusually grouchy and snippy with each other and I'm feeling less than joyful as I move throughout my daily grind of keeping up with laundry, housework, shopping and meals.
 Bottom line? I need to make "taking care of myself" a priority.  This has absolutly nothing to do with Chris who supports me and encourages me to get out and do stuff for myself, and everything to do with a problem a lot of women have with prioritizing their lives with themselves at the top.  Whenever I do too much for everybody else guess who gets the short end of the stick?  Me thats who... and then really nobody wins b/c mommy is short tempered and grouchy.  I recently found an awesome website  I love it b/c it helps you figure out how to keep your house and your routines in working order.  My two favorite tips so far are to clean your sink area every night so you wake up to a clean kitchen ready for making breakfasts to start your day off on the right foot.  And to wake up 10 minutes before everybody else and wash your face, put on clothes, brush you teeth... you know TAKE CARE OF  YOURSELF FIRST so you can focus on everybody else without feeling like a chicken with his head cut off.  Its amazing how that simple thing really helps me feel more focused and in control.

I've also been thinking a lot about my resolution to complain less.  Its been really hard and I haven't been doing a very good job of it lately.  But thats ok, I'm not going to throw in the towel.  Instead I'm going to give myself a break b/c its been REALLY tough with no routine/schedule b/c of the chaos mentioned above.  I'm one who thrives on routine.  I love it... if you know me you know I have a "Palmer Schedule" posted on the refrigerator just to remind myself to stay on track during the day.  I'm not super strict on my routine, its just a framework to work with so when things start to feel crazy I go back to the basics.  I was telling Olivia this the other day when she was mad and grouchy about something... I told her that life is like a boomerang.  Whatever you throw out comes right back at you.  This applies to me too and my complaining.  If I focus on the things that are hard those things will continue to be at the forefront of my mind... if I focus on just being happy and loving everyone around me NO MATTER WHAT then miraculously things get seemingly easier.

  If I'm feeling crummy chances are it's because I haven't been doing things that make me feel good ...  my goal is to try and turn it around... listening to music is my favorite pick me up, getting outside (except in a snowstorm), reading a book on the couch to one of the kids, or myself if I'm lucky, stretching, working out, cleaning...   I know thats a weird one, but for some reason it works for me.  Anyway, thats my goal.  Thats how I'm going to turn around this tough month we've been having... its gonna start within me and I'm gonna just radiate out and touch everyone in my path.  Happiness is truly contageous so look out!  xoxo Heather

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Whomever called them the terrible 2's ... their kid probably just hadn't gotten to the 3's yet.   I thought Jack was pretty good at 2.  He did go through a 4-5 month "naked boy" stage where he would shed all his clothes, run into the room and gleefully shout "I'm Naked Boy!!!!!"  This didn't seem to get old for a very very long time.  In fact he still enjoys it, just not as often as he used to.  I'm pretty sure all across the world kids are rejoicing in the feeling of running around naked.  (This is one of the things I know Olivia is about to outgrow so I still love it when she joins in the fun.)  Anyway, so the 2's are darling, and so are the 3's don't get me wrong, but MAN! I think Jack is growing testosterone, which must be exhausting!  He is sometimes just... wild!  It's hard to describe in an email the energy level in that little body.  Adorable, but he keeps you on your game.  Today for example... he told me he wanted some bunny crackers, went and got the box.  I went to get a little bowl to put them in and by the time I had turned back around he had dumped the entire box out onto the counter.  'Oh, perfect, now you can really get a good look at them.'  

Then about 10 minutes later Jack wanted bubble bath... so I pour a small amount of bubbles in the tub with him.  Then I innocently left the bubble bath next to the tub.  When I came in there were BUBBLES GALORE!  "Wow!" I said "how did there get to be so many bubbles?"  Then I picked up the EMPTY bubble bath jar.  "Oh" ... "Jack?  Did you dump all these bubbles in the bath?" "Yeah!"  he said proudly while delightfully painting himself with bubbles.  "Why did you do that?"  "Because, bubbles are reawwy fun mom!".  Well, true... I guess I get it.  But I do feel like he's one step ahead of me lately...   It's just all part of the fun I guess... xoxo Marathon Mom...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pink headphones...

They've already called a snow day for tomorrow.  Although this one is actually legit.  It's dumping outside. I bet they're kicking themselves for keeping us out on those "cold" days.  Come on!! Get some long underwear and get over it!  Ok, back to my post.  

I just had to write that Olivia and Jack are sharing a room.  Problem, Jack likes to listen to music before he goes to sleep and Olivia likes it quiet.  Kind of reminds me of Chris and I and the TV before bed... Anyway, we just solved the problem and it's AWESOME!  Currently Jack is laying very very still listening to classical music (baby Bach) with Olivia's purple boom box and pink headphones.  Everyone's happy.  Including me because Chris just told me there is a new Modern Family and Cougar Town...   At least they're not having a snow day.  Some things go on...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Yoga with the girls...

When I say "the girls" I mean my daughters naturally.  Oh, you though I may have escaped to a blissful class at the Zen Zone perhaps?  Wrong.  Not a chance with the MLK holiday, teacher inservice day and ANOTHER SNOW DAY.  Yes, that makes it 11 days since Olivia has actually been in school.  But who's counting? 

 Certainly not me!! No way, I've been too busy doing yoga and cleaning up puke.  (More on that later...) Anyway, so I got a Yoga app for my iPad.  I told Olivia I was going to do yoga and she immediately dashed upstairs to get on her brown yoga pants and a pink tank with coordinating tie sweater.  Cute.  Anyway, so we spread out our mats and prop up the iPad.   There was a lot of giggling and falling and snorts of laughter coming from Olivia, and Ellee kept making me laugh by walking on my mat and doing "downward dog" whenever we did it.   Only her head is so big she couldn't push up with her arms so it was more of a headstand with her feet still on the floor.  The girls got bored quickly and I was feeling pretty good so I changed the setting to "expert" level.  Let's just say I am not an "expert yogi"  I can now admit that.   It had me with one leg up then told me to go into a backbend... I tried it, and fell on my head.  Then they were wanting me to hold one leg up in the air unsupported for 20 seconds.... several times in a row.  Needless to say I am sore today and humbled.  Just because you do the eliptical and lift a few weights doesn't mean you even come close to being in yoga shape.  It's deceiving!  

Now for the puke.  I won't go into detail, but Jack was feeling kinda pukey...  He came up to me and said "Moommmm yucky stuff's gonna come outta my mouf"  Ok I said springing into action... lets get into the bathroom.  We stood there for a minute and when I looked over at him he had his mouth open just staring at the potty.  I had to laugh.  He thought that if he just opened his mouth up that yucky stuff would just jump right out of his tummy.  Poor guy... he's all better today though.  

So, I'm not sure if we'll have school tomorrow or not... I mean there's a chance it might snow a 1/2 inch... maybe we should stay home "just in case!"  Come on Lees Summit!! Toughen up, put a coat on! Lets get these kids back in school!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Poop on the wall...

Never have I had a kid smear poop on the wall.  I actually just told Chris how lucky we were that none of our darlings ever took their diapers off and played with poop as I know other unfortunate parents who have had to deal with this mess.  But today I walked into Jacks room, he was naked.  Poop was on the floor in two piles and pee was on the floor.   Poo was also on the wall, smeared in several spots as if he was trying to wipe poo off his fingers.  Why would he wash his hands?  I mean, the wall was RIGHT THERE!  I asked him what happened (because we've been potty trained for some time now) and he said he couldn't get his jammies off fast enough.  Hmmm, still dont get it since poop was on the floor not his jammies.  I'm guessing he stripped down then forgot he had to potty, started playing and then it just came out on the floor.  Anyway, it's been quite the week with the poop smearing (which incidentally wasn't THAT bad to clean up.  I mean I've wiped buns for years, whats a wall?)  Then we have unexpectedly had 3 snow days which means we've been cooped up with friends in and out.  Great, for a day or two... but seriously?  3 days? I gotta get outta here!  Oh wait, yesterday I did get to get out of the house ... I got to go have an apico surgery on my gums.
Funny little story... last summer I went in to have a root canal.  It seemed to be taking a l-o-n-g time... but I was under the influence of nitrous oxide so I was no one to judge.  I just sat there for an hour or so.  It seemed like they were doing two of everything but I figured I was just halucinating. NO, when I sat up the dentist came in and said... "Um, this is really hard to tell you, and I'm really really sorry... but we did the root canal on the wrong tooth.  We also did it on the right tooth!  So you had two root canals."  (in his defence it was totally the dental hygenist's fault as she prepped the wrong tooth.  ANYWAY... so I'm a good sport but when it got infected this fall... and I was told I had to do another surgery, a root canal from the top... I wasn't real excited.  He did pay for it... which helps a little... but I'm the one sitting here with a chipmunk cheek and 6 or 7 stitches in my gums.  OH WELL.  Remember my NY resolution... not to complain!  So, I probably cheated on it a little in this post, but it's about time to cheat on resolutions don't you think?
So... Apico surgery, dealing with over 1100 boxes of girl scout cookies sorting etc... (Oh, forgot to mention that in adition to marathon mom.. i'm also cookie mom for Olivia's daisy girl scout troop :)
 3 snow days, a kid who puked the middle of the night TWICE this week (once on my pillow) and now poop on the wall!!! Never a dull moment I tell you!  

Monday, January 10, 2011


Tonight as I was rocking Ellee to sleep I started feeling sentimental.  This was just after helping Jack pack up his bubbas for the fairy... and he and Olivia were talking in her bedroom... he sleeps in there EVERY night.  He loves his sister so much, and she likes the company too.... she was never one for being alone.
ANyway... so I started thinking about how many times I've stood here and rocked Ellee... and Jack in the same spot, and Olivia too... It hit me how fast these guys are growing up.  I heard a saying from a friend and fellow mom... She said...
"The days are long, but the years are short."
That about sums up my feelings today...  In day to day living it can feel long... but in hindsight it goes by in a flash.  I love the ages all my kids are at.  (But in all honesty... I have said that about every single stage) I love how Olivia is on the brink of being too cool for all the babyish stuff Jack and Ellee are still into (like Nick Jr on TV, and riding the electric horsie at HyVee,  and the kid area at Paradise Park etc...) I love how her grown up tooth is coming in all big and awkward.  I love how she wants to wear skinny jeans and boots with a scarf like mommy.  I love that she still calls me Mommy. (sometimes)
I love how Jack calls Olivia "Owivia" and how he goes around acting like a dinosaur roaring EXTREMELY loud.  (Ok I dont like how loud it is, but he looks adorable on his hands and feet making dino noises... I can't even explain what that sounds like.) And how he builds train tracks everywhere taking up entire rooms.  I love how Ellee is picking up on everything we talk about and copies her big brother and sister.  Yesterday I was trying to read Olivia's chapter book with her and Ellee was playing the harmonica loudly next to us.  I said "Ellee can you go play that in the other room?"  She said "NO" and frowned at me.  Then threw her harmonica on the floor and stomped on it.  Twice.  Then frowned at me again as if to say "Well, what did you think of that?"  It was hilarious!! It took everything in me not to laugh.  Ok, I did laugh just a little.
Then later that night we went into Olivia's room to put the kids to bed.  Jack took one look at the bottom half of the trundle bed. (where he sleeps) and there was a pink pillow there in place of his blue one.
"Heyyy!" he says... with a frown "I don't want a PWETTY piwwow!"

  I even have a funny Olivia story... she was singing in the kitchen... "Deck the halls with boughes of holly.... " then she says to me "Mom, remember when we heard that song on the radio? "  "Yes" I say.  "I sound just like that girl."  Yes, yes honey you do I told her as I kissed her on the head.

I love their innocent confidence and their pure love for each other.   I'm trying to make mental note of them because they are just constantly changing and the last thing I want is to think I spent too much time rushing to get to the next stage... The grass ISN'T always greener.  It's green right now!  Sometimes my motto  "One foot at a time" doesn't apply... because sometimes you have to stop and smell the pancakes.
(What? I was just trying to relate it to a kid term.) Much love to all... go hug your kids, tickle them... enjoy them.  

Jack gave up his BUBBAS today...

Bubbas.  His beloved pacifiers.  We have about 20 of them... He has loved them since day 1.  We've kinda been talking about taking them to the firestation and how the firemen were going to give them to the new baby boys.  Then Olivia told him about the bubba fairy that took her paci's.  That was it, he wanted to leave them for the bubba fairy and she was going to bring him Hiro the train.  So... he has told us several times that he wanted to give his bubbas to the firemen, but it was never a good day (for us) and honestly, Chris and I just weren't ready.
Weren't ready?
Yes, we weren't ready to give up the convenience of being able to stick a "hush up" bubba in his mouth.  Or an  "instant go to sleep" bubba  in his mouth in the car.  It will be harder on us in some cases.  But it's time.  Our boy is 3 1/2 and he's ready.  He didn't even want to suck them one more time.  I told him how when the bubba fairy came he would be a big  boy and he wouldn't even need them anymore!  He said, I just want to sleep with Bobo (stuffed monkey) and doggie.... and my milk.
Ok, so he still has a sippie cup of milk at night.
Big Deal.
We'll tackle that another day... or year...
One step at a time these kids are growing... up.
Sniff sniff...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Resolutions...

Love em or hate em?  I LOVE new years resolutions.  Why? I dont know, but probably b/c I love the idea of starting fresh.  This year I am resolving three things...
1.  No complaining.  After all, what really do I have to complain about?  Life is good...  Plus as they say where you put your attention- that will grow.  I dont want to give negative things any attention.  So I will focus on the abundance of good in my life.  Easy.
2.  Have good posture.  This may include some pilates/yoga but mostly I dont want to be a slouch-o.  Makes you look fat.  
3.  Show more affection.   I dont know why, just want to.  :) :)

The kids are back to normal now.  Playing really really well for the most part. Tonight all three of them had  an obstacle course going on while I was on the eliptical.  Slide down the slide, bounce on the trampoline, ride the horse.  They were running around so much I'm pretty sure they were getting a much better workout than I was.  I feel like we are over the hump.  Two more days of vacation.  Tomorrow we go to the pool.  It's cold but they love it so I will be brave.   Signing off... MM  (thats me)