Marathon Mom

Marathon Mom

Thursday, February 2, 2012

33 weeks pregnant

Ok - so I haven't posted in FOREVER!!!  First I wasn't posting b/c I wasn't announcing my pregnancy yet - then I didn't post because I felt too SICK and TIRED all the time and it was all I could do to keep up my regular life without recording anything fun or funny... and then I just got caught up in the business of school, being cookie mom, holidays etc... and now- here I am... 33 weeks pregnant.

I am trying to relish the feeling of this little boy growing inside me... feeling his little feet moving and pushing on my huge belly.  We found out in November that we were having another little boy!  Chris and I opened the "envelope" by ourselves one day in the house... we planned to wait but the suspense of having that envelope in the house was too much!  We were so excited to have a boy - two and two... how did we get so lucky anyway?

The kids are very excited about their new brother... possible name ideas right now...
Brooks, Brady, Chase, Hudsen, Austin (I like), Cruz (Chris likes)

Not sure how to decide for sure... but hopefully it will become clear before he gets here... Now that we've gotten past Christmas, and our trip to Colorado... its time to start to get ready for baby!  I am excited :)   I love babies...