Marathon Mom

Marathon Mom

Monday, January 10, 2011


Tonight as I was rocking Ellee to sleep I started feeling sentimental.  This was just after helping Jack pack up his bubbas for the fairy... and he and Olivia were talking in her bedroom... he sleeps in there EVERY night.  He loves his sister so much, and she likes the company too.... she was never one for being alone.
ANyway... so I started thinking about how many times I've stood here and rocked Ellee... and Jack in the same spot, and Olivia too... It hit me how fast these guys are growing up.  I heard a saying from a friend and fellow mom... She said...
"The days are long, but the years are short."
That about sums up my feelings today...  In day to day living it can feel long... but in hindsight it goes by in a flash.  I love the ages all my kids are at.  (But in all honesty... I have said that about every single stage) I love how Olivia is on the brink of being too cool for all the babyish stuff Jack and Ellee are still into (like Nick Jr on TV, and riding the electric horsie at HyVee,  and the kid area at Paradise Park etc...) I love how her grown up tooth is coming in all big and awkward.  I love how she wants to wear skinny jeans and boots with a scarf like mommy.  I love that she still calls me Mommy. (sometimes)
I love how Jack calls Olivia "Owivia" and how he goes around acting like a dinosaur roaring EXTREMELY loud.  (Ok I dont like how loud it is, but he looks adorable on his hands and feet making dino noises... I can't even explain what that sounds like.) And how he builds train tracks everywhere taking up entire rooms.  I love how Ellee is picking up on everything we talk about and copies her big brother and sister.  Yesterday I was trying to read Olivia's chapter book with her and Ellee was playing the harmonica loudly next to us.  I said "Ellee can you go play that in the other room?"  She said "NO" and frowned at me.  Then threw her harmonica on the floor and stomped on it.  Twice.  Then frowned at me again as if to say "Well, what did you think of that?"  It was hilarious!! It took everything in me not to laugh.  Ok, I did laugh just a little.
Then later that night we went into Olivia's room to put the kids to bed.  Jack took one look at the bottom half of the trundle bed. (where he sleeps) and there was a pink pillow there in place of his blue one.
"Heyyy!" he says... with a frown "I don't want a PWETTY piwwow!"

  I even have a funny Olivia story... she was singing in the kitchen... "Deck the halls with boughes of holly.... " then she says to me "Mom, remember when we heard that song on the radio? "  "Yes" I say.  "I sound just like that girl."  Yes, yes honey you do I told her as I kissed her on the head.

I love their innocent confidence and their pure love for each other.   I'm trying to make mental note of them because they are just constantly changing and the last thing I want is to think I spent too much time rushing to get to the next stage... The grass ISN'T always greener.  It's green right now!  Sometimes my motto  "One foot at a time" doesn't apply... because sometimes you have to stop and smell the pancakes.
(What? I was just trying to relate it to a kid term.) Much love to all... go hug your kids, tickle them... enjoy them.  

1 comment:

  1. I love the fact that you notice all the little things that make being a Mother so incredible. You are appreciating your time with those amazing kids who are so amazing because they have loving, happy,and tuned in parents. Often times I wish I could rewind and re-live certain times of my life but all in all, I guess it goes the right speed. It just is so amazing watching & helping them grow.
