Whomever called them the terrible 2's ... their kid probably just hadn't gotten to the 3's yet. I thought Jack was pretty good at 2. He did go through a 4-5 month "naked boy" stage where he would shed all his clothes, run into the room and gleefully shout "I'm Naked Boy!!!!!" This didn't seem to get old for a very very long time. In fact he still enjoys it, just not as often as he used to. I'm pretty sure all across the world kids are rejoicing in the feeling of running around naked. (This is one of the things I know Olivia is about to outgrow so I still love it when she joins in the fun.) Anyway, so the 2's are darling, and so are the 3's don't get me wrong, but MAN! I think Jack is growing testosterone, which must be exhausting! He is sometimes just... wild! It's hard to describe in an email the energy level in that little body. Adorable, but he keeps you on your game. Today for example... he told me he wanted some bunny crackers, went and got the box. I went to get a little bowl to put them in and by the time I had turned back around he had dumped the entire box out onto the counter. 'Oh, perfect, now you can really get a good look at them.'
Then about 10 minutes later Jack wanted bubble bath... so I pour a small amount of bubbles in the tub with him. Then I innocently left the bubble bath next to the tub. When I came in there were BUBBLES GALORE! "Wow!" I said "how did there get to be so many bubbles?" Then I picked up the EMPTY bubble bath jar. "Oh" ... "Jack? Did you dump all these bubbles in the bath?" "Yeah!" he said proudly while delightfully painting himself with bubbles. "Why did you do that?" "Because, bubbles are reawwy fun mom!". Well, true... I guess I get it. But I do feel like he's one step ahead of me lately... It's just all part of the fun I guess... xoxo Marathon Mom...
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