Marathon Mom

Marathon Mom

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Whomever called them the terrible 2's ... their kid probably just hadn't gotten to the 3's yet.   I thought Jack was pretty good at 2.  He did go through a 4-5 month "naked boy" stage where he would shed all his clothes, run into the room and gleefully shout "I'm Naked Boy!!!!!"  This didn't seem to get old for a very very long time.  In fact he still enjoys it, just not as often as he used to.  I'm pretty sure all across the world kids are rejoicing in the feeling of running around naked.  (This is one of the things I know Olivia is about to outgrow so I still love it when she joins in the fun.)  Anyway, so the 2's are darling, and so are the 3's don't get me wrong, but MAN! I think Jack is growing testosterone, which must be exhausting!  He is sometimes just... wild!  It's hard to describe in an email the energy level in that little body.  Adorable, but he keeps you on your game.  Today for example... he told me he wanted some bunny crackers, went and got the box.  I went to get a little bowl to put them in and by the time I had turned back around he had dumped the entire box out onto the counter.  'Oh, perfect, now you can really get a good look at them.'  

Then about 10 minutes later Jack wanted bubble bath... so I pour a small amount of bubbles in the tub with him.  Then I innocently left the bubble bath next to the tub.  When I came in there were BUBBLES GALORE!  "Wow!" I said "how did there get to be so many bubbles?"  Then I picked up the EMPTY bubble bath jar.  "Oh" ... "Jack?  Did you dump all these bubbles in the bath?" "Yeah!"  he said proudly while delightfully painting himself with bubbles.  "Why did you do that?"  "Because, bubbles are reawwy fun mom!".  Well, true... I guess I get it.  But I do feel like he's one step ahead of me lately...   It's just all part of the fun I guess... xoxo Marathon Mom...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pink headphones...

They've already called a snow day for tomorrow.  Although this one is actually legit.  It's dumping outside. I bet they're kicking themselves for keeping us out on those "cold" days.  Come on!! Get some long underwear and get over it!  Ok, back to my post.  

I just had to write that Olivia and Jack are sharing a room.  Problem, Jack likes to listen to music before he goes to sleep and Olivia likes it quiet.  Kind of reminds me of Chris and I and the TV before bed... Anyway, we just solved the problem and it's AWESOME!  Currently Jack is laying very very still listening to classical music (baby Bach) with Olivia's purple boom box and pink headphones.  Everyone's happy.  Including me because Chris just told me there is a new Modern Family and Cougar Town...   At least they're not having a snow day.  Some things go on...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Yoga with the girls...

When I say "the girls" I mean my daughters naturally.  Oh, you though I may have escaped to a blissful class at the Zen Zone perhaps?  Wrong.  Not a chance with the MLK holiday, teacher inservice day and ANOTHER SNOW DAY.  Yes, that makes it 11 days since Olivia has actually been in school.  But who's counting? 

 Certainly not me!! No way, I've been too busy doing yoga and cleaning up puke.  (More on that later...) Anyway, so I got a Yoga app for my iPad.  I told Olivia I was going to do yoga and she immediately dashed upstairs to get on her brown yoga pants and a pink tank with coordinating tie sweater.  Cute.  Anyway, so we spread out our mats and prop up the iPad.   There was a lot of giggling and falling and snorts of laughter coming from Olivia, and Ellee kept making me laugh by walking on my mat and doing "downward dog" whenever we did it.   Only her head is so big she couldn't push up with her arms so it was more of a headstand with her feet still on the floor.  The girls got bored quickly and I was feeling pretty good so I changed the setting to "expert" level.  Let's just say I am not an "expert yogi"  I can now admit that.   It had me with one leg up then told me to go into a backbend... I tried it, and fell on my head.  Then they were wanting me to hold one leg up in the air unsupported for 20 seconds.... several times in a row.  Needless to say I am sore today and humbled.  Just because you do the eliptical and lift a few weights doesn't mean you even come close to being in yoga shape.  It's deceiving!  

Now for the puke.  I won't go into detail, but Jack was feeling kinda pukey...  He came up to me and said "Moommmm yucky stuff's gonna come outta my mouf"  Ok I said springing into action... lets get into the bathroom.  We stood there for a minute and when I looked over at him he had his mouth open just staring at the potty.  I had to laugh.  He thought that if he just opened his mouth up that yucky stuff would just jump right out of his tummy.  Poor guy... he's all better today though.  

So, I'm not sure if we'll have school tomorrow or not... I mean there's a chance it might snow a 1/2 inch... maybe we should stay home "just in case!"  Come on Lees Summit!! Toughen up, put a coat on! Lets get these kids back in school!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Poop on the wall...

Never have I had a kid smear poop on the wall.  I actually just told Chris how lucky we were that none of our darlings ever took their diapers off and played with poop as I know other unfortunate parents who have had to deal with this mess.  But today I walked into Jacks room, he was naked.  Poop was on the floor in two piles and pee was on the floor.   Poo was also on the wall, smeared in several spots as if he was trying to wipe poo off his fingers.  Why would he wash his hands?  I mean, the wall was RIGHT THERE!  I asked him what happened (because we've been potty trained for some time now) and he said he couldn't get his jammies off fast enough.  Hmmm, still dont get it since poop was on the floor not his jammies.  I'm guessing he stripped down then forgot he had to potty, started playing and then it just came out on the floor.  Anyway, it's been quite the week with the poop smearing (which incidentally wasn't THAT bad to clean up.  I mean I've wiped buns for years, whats a wall?)  Then we have unexpectedly had 3 snow days which means we've been cooped up with friends in and out.  Great, for a day or two... but seriously?  3 days? I gotta get outta here!  Oh wait, yesterday I did get to get out of the house ... I got to go have an apico surgery on my gums.
Funny little story... last summer I went in to have a root canal.  It seemed to be taking a l-o-n-g time... but I was under the influence of nitrous oxide so I was no one to judge.  I just sat there for an hour or so.  It seemed like they were doing two of everything but I figured I was just halucinating. NO, when I sat up the dentist came in and said... "Um, this is really hard to tell you, and I'm really really sorry... but we did the root canal on the wrong tooth.  We also did it on the right tooth!  So you had two root canals."  (in his defence it was totally the dental hygenist's fault as she prepped the wrong tooth.  ANYWAY... so I'm a good sport but when it got infected this fall... and I was told I had to do another surgery, a root canal from the top... I wasn't real excited.  He did pay for it... which helps a little... but I'm the one sitting here with a chipmunk cheek and 6 or 7 stitches in my gums.  OH WELL.  Remember my NY resolution... not to complain!  So, I probably cheated on it a little in this post, but it's about time to cheat on resolutions don't you think?
So... Apico surgery, dealing with over 1100 boxes of girl scout cookies sorting etc... (Oh, forgot to mention that in adition to marathon mom.. i'm also cookie mom for Olivia's daisy girl scout troop :)
 3 snow days, a kid who puked the middle of the night TWICE this week (once on my pillow) and now poop on the wall!!! Never a dull moment I tell you!  

Monday, January 10, 2011


Tonight as I was rocking Ellee to sleep I started feeling sentimental.  This was just after helping Jack pack up his bubbas for the fairy... and he and Olivia were talking in her bedroom... he sleeps in there EVERY night.  He loves his sister so much, and she likes the company too.... she was never one for being alone.
ANyway... so I started thinking about how many times I've stood here and rocked Ellee... and Jack in the same spot, and Olivia too... It hit me how fast these guys are growing up.  I heard a saying from a friend and fellow mom... She said...
"The days are long, but the years are short."
That about sums up my feelings today...  In day to day living it can feel long... but in hindsight it goes by in a flash.  I love the ages all my kids are at.  (But in all honesty... I have said that about every single stage) I love how Olivia is on the brink of being too cool for all the babyish stuff Jack and Ellee are still into (like Nick Jr on TV, and riding the electric horsie at HyVee,  and the kid area at Paradise Park etc...) I love how her grown up tooth is coming in all big and awkward.  I love how she wants to wear skinny jeans and boots with a scarf like mommy.  I love that she still calls me Mommy. (sometimes)
I love how Jack calls Olivia "Owivia" and how he goes around acting like a dinosaur roaring EXTREMELY loud.  (Ok I dont like how loud it is, but he looks adorable on his hands and feet making dino noises... I can't even explain what that sounds like.) And how he builds train tracks everywhere taking up entire rooms.  I love how Ellee is picking up on everything we talk about and copies her big brother and sister.  Yesterday I was trying to read Olivia's chapter book with her and Ellee was playing the harmonica loudly next to us.  I said "Ellee can you go play that in the other room?"  She said "NO" and frowned at me.  Then threw her harmonica on the floor and stomped on it.  Twice.  Then frowned at me again as if to say "Well, what did you think of that?"  It was hilarious!! It took everything in me not to laugh.  Ok, I did laugh just a little.
Then later that night we went into Olivia's room to put the kids to bed.  Jack took one look at the bottom half of the trundle bed. (where he sleeps) and there was a pink pillow there in place of his blue one.
"Heyyy!" he says... with a frown "I don't want a PWETTY piwwow!"

  I even have a funny Olivia story... she was singing in the kitchen... "Deck the halls with boughes of holly.... " then she says to me "Mom, remember when we heard that song on the radio? "  "Yes" I say.  "I sound just like that girl."  Yes, yes honey you do I told her as I kissed her on the head.

I love their innocent confidence and their pure love for each other.   I'm trying to make mental note of them because they are just constantly changing and the last thing I want is to think I spent too much time rushing to get to the next stage... The grass ISN'T always greener.  It's green right now!  Sometimes my motto  "One foot at a time" doesn't apply... because sometimes you have to stop and smell the pancakes.
(What? I was just trying to relate it to a kid term.) Much love to all... go hug your kids, tickle them... enjoy them.  

Jack gave up his BUBBAS today...

Bubbas.  His beloved pacifiers.  We have about 20 of them... He has loved them since day 1.  We've kinda been talking about taking them to the firestation and how the firemen were going to give them to the new baby boys.  Then Olivia told him about the bubba fairy that took her paci's.  That was it, he wanted to leave them for the bubba fairy and she was going to bring him Hiro the train.  So... he has told us several times that he wanted to give his bubbas to the firemen, but it was never a good day (for us) and honestly, Chris and I just weren't ready.
Weren't ready?
Yes, we weren't ready to give up the convenience of being able to stick a "hush up" bubba in his mouth.  Or an  "instant go to sleep" bubba  in his mouth in the car.  It will be harder on us in some cases.  But it's time.  Our boy is 3 1/2 and he's ready.  He didn't even want to suck them one more time.  I told him how when the bubba fairy came he would be a big  boy and he wouldn't even need them anymore!  He said, I just want to sleep with Bobo (stuffed monkey) and doggie.... and my milk.
Ok, so he still has a sippie cup of milk at night.
Big Deal.
We'll tackle that another day... or year...
One step at a time these kids are growing... up.
Sniff sniff...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Resolutions...

Love em or hate em?  I LOVE new years resolutions.  Why? I dont know, but probably b/c I love the idea of starting fresh.  This year I am resolving three things...
1.  No complaining.  After all, what really do I have to complain about?  Life is good...  Plus as they say where you put your attention- that will grow.  I dont want to give negative things any attention.  So I will focus on the abundance of good in my life.  Easy.
2.  Have good posture.  This may include some pilates/yoga but mostly I dont want to be a slouch-o.  Makes you look fat.  
3.  Show more affection.   I dont know why, just want to.  :) :)

The kids are back to normal now.  Playing really really well for the most part. Tonight all three of them had  an obstacle course going on while I was on the eliptical.  Slide down the slide, bounce on the trampoline, ride the horse.  They were running around so much I'm pretty sure they were getting a much better workout than I was.  I feel like we are over the hump.  Two more days of vacation.  Tomorrow we go to the pool.  It's cold but they love it so I will be brave.   Signing off... MM  (thats me)