Jack Palmer!
I can't believe you are four years old! You have been waiting for this day for months... as if something magical or special will change about you when you turn "fouw". Then the other day you started telling me you were "almost five." We had your birthday party up at the pool. You were so excited to open presents... it was all about the un-wrapping. You sort of cared what was inside, but I think we could've wrapped up anything and you would've loved it. Your buddies there were Hayden, Tye, Jake and Blake. Phillip your other buddy couldn't make it. But you were just a ball of energy and enthusiam... as you are every day. Jack, I love you so much... you have so much joy contained inside you that sometimes it just comes bursing out VERY LOUDLY in your voice. Ok, thats every day... And you have a heart of gold. If you do something wrong to one of your sisters your very quick to say "I'm sowwy Owivia". You are very very easy going and laid back... but with a lot of enthusiam at the same time. I dont want to under-estimate here your expressions and how animated you are because EVERYONE comments on it. You make so many people laugh, and so many people smile because you are just so darn cute. Your passion for trains is high on the list. You are a collector and an engineer with those tracks. You told me that you want to be a conductor when you grow up. I hope I get a ride on your first train if you do. :) I keep thinking the Thomas obsession will wane, but so far it's going strong. You know the names of all the trains and when yo get a new train, you insist on sleeping with it. You have become a great swimmer this summer, and love jumping off the diving board. You are just so much fun to be around Jack. I just can't wait to see your little personality continue to re-fine itself and so lucky to be the mommy that gets to help shape you into the sweet boy your already are... and into the boy you will become. I love you, Mom
So sweet - he is a sweet boy. He is so quick to thank me for coming to visit or playing trains with him or saying out of the blue "DD, I'm so glad to see you" or "DD, thanks for my milk, rock, coming to the park . . .whatever". It comes unprompted from Mom and Dad which makes it even more sweet. Jack loves to race - up the stairs, across the room, across the driveway, anywhere, and he loves to say "I win". He also quite enjoyed blasting everyone with the water gun at the pool and really held back from shooting anyone in the face or body like he wanted. He stuck mostly to feet and up in the air. He is a good, sweet boy.