Marathon Mom

Marathon Mom

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Olivia's Birthday Letter

Every year I have tried to write a birthday letter to each of my children.  I've missed one here or there and sometimes they don't get written for months but today I thought I might just write it here on the blog and then later can handwrite it.

Olivia Love...
(or Olivia Claire or Olivia Amy) whichever you prefer because apparently you are currently embarrassed by your middle name.  Thats ok because I know you'll love it someday when you become a little bit hippie like me.  You have had an awesome year.  You are doing so well in first grade.  You are reading really really well.  Like, chapter books in your bedroom after I say goodnight.  You are like the perfect angel at school, always doing your best and following directions. I was so proud of you when you got chosen by your music teacher to be one of the eight children to sing "zip-a-dee-do-da" with your little mickey mouse ears on the stage at LSWest in front of an auditorium full of people.  You have played soccer this past fall with your team "The Froggies" including Holly, Taylor and Libby.  Your best buddies.  (You and Libby are all about calling each other BFF's.)  You are currently in gymnastics class, and just figured out how to do a back walkover all by yourself.  You lost both your front teeth this year and were toothless for awhile, now one of your grown up teeth is growing in.  You are an amazing big sister to Jack and Ellee (when you want to be).  Jack was scared to sleep alone most of this year and you let him spend almost every night in your trundle bed until just recently when you helped me spray monster spray and get rid of the monsters in his room.  Jack loves his "Owivia".    And you are always great with Ellee.  You have taught her to say so many things and love to pick her up.  She loves her "sissy".    You are currently "into" riding your scooter, playing with American Girl Dolls, and actually you are liking your Barbie dolls again, drawing, reading, doing crafts, playing with your friends (very social) gymnastics and swimming.
Last summer you were still scared to put your face in the water at the pool... although you LOVE to swim and can actually swim without putting your face in!  But just recently you overcame your fears and did it!  You also mastered snow skiing this spring in Beaver Creek.  You were so excited!  Going up the magic carpet, and even the pomme lift.  Daddy and I are so proud of you Olivia.
We will never forget today though.  You got to have a horse birthday party.  It was awesome, everyone got to ride on Emmy's horses and we did crafts, water balloons and pin the tail on the horsey.  Then we had pizza with the family at next door pizza.  I can't believe I've been a mom now for 7 whole years!! Wow.  This is just as much a birthday for you, as it is an anniversary for me!  Because by the time you read this I'll be able to share with you that I dont know it all~  I've learned a lot about how to be a mom from you!  And if I do say so myself, I think we're doing a pretty good job, because you are a  kind hearted, big spirited, happy, energetic, lovely little girl.  And I love who you are and who you are growing into.  Love you, Mommy

1 comment:

  1. That was a beautiful letter! I wish I had written you letters. I always thought I had to say something profound.
